Jason Eion Hall

(352) 890-3146



Jason Eion Hall

My history in creativity started at a young age. I was sketching since 5 years of age and kept growing in mediums. At the age of 15, I was rewarded a full scholarship to Ringling College of Art. Although I did’t go that direction, I have always been artistic and creative. I love the fact that I can capture and create from Gods wonders and amazing creations.

There is beauty in everything and everyone. Sometimes we just have to show them in different angles. My favorite thing to do in photography is to capture moments or create art from impossible situations. Anybody can by a plane ticket to a beautiful place, plan out the shoot and control the situation to make a perfect image. But the fun is being able to capture beauty with thousands of people or other things in the way and create or showcase Gods amazing beauty. I figured this out very quickly when I realized I don’t work for National Geographic and I am a mortal like everyone else and the desire to overcome and excel with whatever I can get, advances my talent and pushes me to use what I am given.

My family is what is most important to me. I have a beautiful and energetic and artistic daughter. We are an active family that loves the outdoors, boating, scuba diving, riding motorcycles, bicycling, mountain biking and of course shooting photography.

I have worked in fire rescue, television, mortgage banking and Real estate. I started the Architectural Photography business to make it affordable for all agents to fully market their home so they can optimize their chances of selling the listing they worked so hard for. I seek challenges. Let me create for you.

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